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About us

Being a parent is wonderful! Everyone who’s gone through the experience
would agree, right?

But each of us could also share the problems and obstacles
we have faced, or talk about the unavoidable changes
in our own habits we’ve had to accept.

Most parents share these challenges with the people around
them and receive many different kinds of advice, sometimes even conflicting
opinions, to deal with them. These solutions, in turn, are shared in order to help others.

In fact, during the first years these difficulties are most commonly related to babies crying and SLEEPLESS NIGHTS.

If you’re a parent struggling with these problems, YOU`RE NOT ALONE. Many parents have been in the same boat as you: tired, sleep deprived, needing advice… At that point, any kind of help is welcome.

This is our mission—to share what we’ve experienced and the solutions we have sought out and found to help you shorten your search. We want to help you find the right path to peaceful nights for both you and your baby—without stress and frustration, without tears, but with plenty of love and care. You should feel supported along the way and know that you’re not alone. That’s what’s important to us!

 We don’t promise any miracles; just strategies that work.
These strategies are based on our shared experiences—our customers’
and our own; all those experiences gained over the years are, put together,
quite a lot.

We’ve also incorporated our extensive professional knowledge
into these strategies. That’s why we truly believe they’ll work for you, too;
and that you’ll agree they are both valuable and worthwhile.
We hope that they’ll fill your life with more smiles! :)

The people behind “Night night, sleep tight!”: